This is my favourite necklace at the moment,i liked it ever since i saw it in Beadwork Magazine but i couldnt doo all the stitches at the time.It is done in copper11 hex cuts,steel cylinder 11's,bronze pearls,bronze daggers,permanent finish 11's silver and metal spacers.The band across is odd count petote,then brick stitch,herringbone straps,ladder stitch strap holders.
As i had a bashed up bruised hand and couldnt bead for a while i was thrilled to get back to it even slowly.The magazine called it Byzantium,and it seemed to suit.It actually looks better on,i am not really a collar person having a round face but this looks like it was made for me hahaha.My partner said it looked like it had been dug up,in man speak apparantley thats a complimnent meaning it looks old valuable and in a museum,i beleive him lol.