Well apart from needing new glasses and not beading much,i spent september in bed,hot delirious fluey,and very very ill,i thought this was the worst thing i had had in years,then i got the vomit bug and sept was a nightmare i dont want to repeat.
I have streted a beautiful project but it will have to wait till i pick up my glasses,fibro even stuffs youre eyes about,but i strung a couple of bits,stringing is my first love and when i actually design myself.
The first pic is the butterfly bail from Kassie Inman,her pattern,that i was going to make a jungle theme necklace but that fizzled out.
The orchids i got 3 of as a present and they were glorious.
Purple elephants is what you see after pink ones i suppose lol,i loved these etsy elephant beads,and they have a tiny purple crystal poked into eack one as the holes were so big.
Verdigris is my current fave,bits and peices from shops all over,etsy,australia etc,and in a big surge of creativity,it was born.
The paua power bracelet just fell together and is amazing in the sunlight.
It has been raining here for weeks and driving people crazy,soggy dogs,school holidays and mud everywhere,friends booked in for camping holidays,we got 8" of rain in 24 hours,deafening on a tin roof.